Meanwhile in highsec your numbers are wildly better then the average miner could ever hope for AND you will find gankers in in most systems with good ice or ore. You're like the industry type that doesn't take into account the worth of the minerals they used because they mined them "for free". You're not accounting for the rent or other costs of keeping said nullsec anomaly either. You present this as an easy possible income rate for all yet you're using numbers from a nullsec anom. You're running fleet boosters yet you neglect to include them in your account total. There is nothing scientific or factual with that spreadsheet screenshot. We can assume if your putting enough effort to multibox EVE you can be most likely expected to be putting in more than 1 or 2 hours a day doing "your thing".

Ganking yes thats a real threat but is easily paief for with just another hour of mining each day. haha yea prob a bit yea, I didn't go to spreadsheet design school so sry for that. I know ratting can net u 90m a hour easy in a carrier and Military 5 index with only 1 char.Īs to my spreadsheet being crappy. about 1600m3 per 88 seconds.Īs far as WH, I dont know about that and yes there is many other things you can do to make more isk per hour. I don't Need to try it as i know people that use it and 35m/hr came from them and is a standard 0.0 Anomoly Mining income for a t2 Mackinaw pilot with fleet boosts using t1 strippers. Here is some crappy highsec income for ya. I am not demanding anything be changed as i like the game as it is. Are you going to demand that WHs and Null be nerfed now?

Last time I played in WHs and such I was approaching 500m an hour with one account. IF you're not in highsec then there's a LOT more things you could be doing to make better isk per hour on one character. The primary being you're not going to make a solid 35 mill an hour across all characters for 6 hours straight in highsec.

I think im gonna give this multiboxing a try Your spreadsheet is awful for many reasons. I like how 1 guy mining at a moderate rate at only 4 hours a day can net over 30bn isk each month. Make sure to say hi to the gankers when they come. You'll quickly find out your theoretical income is absolutely ridiculously overly optimistic. Last time I played in WHs and such I was approaching 500m an hour with two accounts. The primary being you're not going to make a solid 35 mill an hour across all characters for 6 hours straight in highsec (not even ice miners pull in 35m an hour solid). I think im gonna give this multiboxing a try If you want to play with the numbers to see how much you can make with other factors u can get the spreadsheet here Ive set it up so you can see how much advantage they can get per character up to 10. This didn't have to be done I created a spreadsheet just to show how one Human can take advantage of EVE's Economy by multiboxing. Isk Generated is used to make the life of one Highly Skilled Pilot, known as the MAIN, much easier than the game was intended to be and much easier than anyone NOT using IsBoxer.ĭid you know a 10 Char Multiboxer can afford to lose a 2bn isk carrier ever 6 hours of mining at only 35m per hour. This is not someone roleplaying with 2+ accounts and treating them seperatly. The problem I have with MulitBoxing and IsBoxer It gives players an advantage, and that advantage is clear when we think of how they are using the accounts.Ī few things are taken for granted when we are talking about gaining an advantage: (Many senarios can be concocted to legitimize the use of this type of gameplay i suppose)Īll ISK or Ores from Any Character that is not the MAIN account is sent to the Main account and assets across all accounts are assumed property of the main account.